“Err, what IS a nutritional therapist? What do you actually DO?”
All you know is that you could probably do with eating better. So, you need a nutritionist. Right? Someone who’ll tell you how to change your diet and feel better.
Sounds simple enough. Except for two things.
Firstly, our relationship with food is complex. It’s borne of habits, experience, childhood, emotional connection. Anyone can tell themselves to eat more apples and broccoli. But they don’t.
Secondly. It’s about more than knowledge.
When I qualified as a nutritional therapist in 2009, I was pregnant. I knew I wanted to work with women, and I was smug in the knowledge that I knew exactly how to do that. Except that’s all I had. Knowledge. Motherhood exploded everything. I learnt through personal experience that facts aren’t enough to help mums. They need far more to make change stick. They need empathy, understanding and someone who gets that being mummy means that putting yourself first is a distant memory.
When you’re a knackered mum, knowing that it would probably benefit you to eat better and managing to eat better are two very different things.
Headspace, or lack of it, is often the biggest challenge. It’s rarely just about feeding mum better. There are others to consider. My clients frequently present me with their health goals PLUS any of these: a veggie teen, a protein-obsessed male, a fussy eater or a toddler who’ll only eat beige food.
You don’t need anything else ‘to do’. You need someone to tell you what will make life better, easier. THAT’S nutritional therapy with me. The truth is that helping YOU to feel better invariably means thinking about how to feed your whole family, too.
My Knackered Mums Plan is bespoke to your #mumlife:
I analyse your food diary and a detailed questionnaire, which you fill in before we meet.
Our first session is about finding out more about you. Your life. How you shop. What you eat. Who cooks? Diet history. Past illnesses. Foods you absolutely loathe. How you've eaten in the past. Your health up to this point.
You then get five more follow up sessions (all via Zoom), two phone catch ups, email support, totally bespoke bloody GREAT recipe collections after every session (yep, 6 of them!) PLUS we agree on manageable, realistic goals for you after each session.
I’ll research exactly what, if any, supplements will support your needs right now. (Oh, and I’ll give you a discount on those supplements, which you can use forever).
There's also the Meal Plan upgrade for mums who just want to know exactly what to eat and cook and when for everyone, for 14 glorious days.
This is what I do for my knackered mums. I hold them up. I guide them to easier, better, gentler ways to eat that are not a ‘diet’ but a way to live. And we go at YOUR pace. This is transformational work. You WILL have more energy. You WILL learn how to nourish yourself, as well as your family.
We can address any of these issues:
Low libido
Perimenopause symptoms (hot flushes, anxiety, brain fog, night sweats)
Period pain
Menstrual headache or migraine
Or, "I'm just bloody knackered and don’t know WTF to eat anymore."
You get my expertise, experience empathy AND crucially, the understanding of another busy mum (me), safe in the knowledge that I’ve helped so many women, struggling, overwhelmed and convinced they’re stuck in the same cycle. Just like you. Right up until they realise they feel incredible and it was easier than they ever though possible.
If you’re wondering if this is exactly what you need to kick your eating up the bum, just book a Discovery call with me. I only do a handful a week. The rest of the time I’m looking after my knackered mums so that soon they won’t feel knackered at all. Book your Discovery here.